Juventus has had a poor season and it has been the case for most of Italy’s big clubs as the Bianconeri look to end this term the right way.
AC Milan and Inter Milan have also struggled, which has allowed Napoli to close in on winning their first league crown in three decades.
It has not been an easy season for Juve as the black and whites work hard to ensure they can finish the term inside the top four despite being docked 15 league points.
Former defender Lele Adani understands why Milan is struggling because they have lost key players to injuries and only have a few men on the bench in different games.
However, he reckons Juve and Inter have simply been poor for no apparent reason. Adani says via Calciomercato:
“Milan has excuses, has a short bench and has made half a championship without its goalkeeper owner Maignan, Kalulu lost that he had been one of the best, in my opinion he has extenuating circumstances. Inter and Juve have no excuse for the championship they are doing”.
Juve FC Says
It has been a tough season for us and we can accept all the criticism coming our way at the moment.
The boys have done well on the pitch and would be in a better spot if the deducted 15 league points were recovered.
NO, according to this serial NOBODY ADANI, JUVENTUS FC have no excuses.
CHIESA, POGBA, DI MARIA, ALEX SANDRO, BIONUCCI, VLAHOVIC out for long periods through injury and in DI MARIA’s case suspension.
Being docked 15 points for no valid , legal reason based on jurisprudence and the psychological damage it has caused.
ADANI is yet another spitehul vicious HATER of all things JUVE who is syphoning money from the taxes of decent Italian people as a “CELEBRITY” ( hahaha) on the national TV STATION. Incredible.
In light of Mr Adani’s analysis of Milan’s struggles this season, it’s in plain sight that his criticism of Juventus has no sound objective. Because Juventus has had players like Chiesa, Vlahovic, Pogba, Bonucci, De Sciglio, Milk, Di Maria all injured at some point, hence sidelined with more of the inexperienced next gen players rising up to the cover.And the the 15 point deduction has no effect on the players? I think they’ve stood there ground quite well in circumstances that should have gone otherwise worse. I think it’s a working progress so far