Gigi Buffon recounted his career to Spanish newspaper ABC and confirmed he plans to retire after the 2018 World Cup.
With the Serie A title clash against Napoli just days away, the veteran keeper looked back at his career and talked about the highs and lows of his illustrious career.
“My fondest memory is the first Scudetto after being in Serie B, with Antonio Conte,” he said to ABC
“The worst is the Champions League final we lost against Milan. The memory of the final against Barcelona is completely different, we felt proud.
“The most difficult period of my career was between 2003 and 2004, beating depression was the greatest save of my career.
“Bayern? I’m frank and realistic. We have a 20/25 per cent chance and must work to bring it up to 40/45 per cent.
“Was the €54m Juve paid for me too much? No, in football what you pay for players is right. It made me feel proud and happy. And if they paid €54m for me it’s because I’m worth it.
“Real Madrid never called me. If Real want a player then they buy him, evidently with Casillas they were covered.”
“Am I the greatest goalkeeper ever? It’s not up to me to say.
“How long will I last? I want to play this season and then two more with Juve and retire after the 2018 World Cup.
“The current Juve of Allegri is one that possesses more character and personality than any other Juventus team I’ve played in.
“Capello’s was the strongest team, and with Lippi the one that was most enjoyable.
“Tennis fascinates me: not just as a sport but also as a starting point for my sporting activities. I’m a fan of Federer: we often speak and excites me with his mental strength.
“We must always try to have that. Psychologically, tennis is the hardest sport. If you win you get the credit, but if you lose you have no possibility of finding excuses and placing the blame on others.
“My leadership? A good leader must step in only when it’s necessary, otherwise you become boring and lose credibility.”