All the latest team news, sound bites, pics and more ahead of the Champions League Final between Juventus and Barcelona.
With the final just days away, I thought i’d try something different – Rather than adding lots of stories and posts, I’ll use this live blog format to post the latest news relating to both teams.
You can still post comments below, as usual, but if you want to use the live blog below, feel free to chip in with anything you like !
I’ll also be posting during the game so you can follow the match live.
Forza Juve!!! We would be without Chiellini..what a shame, just when we need him the most.
Injury in disguise
could be probably good
chiellini has at least one misstake in big games
forza barzagli
I wanted to see him destroying Suarez 😛
I hope the same, that Barzagli will be fully fit and make us not miss Chiellini. All over popular football websites we are not being giving a chance…I am dying to see us prove the world wrong
I’m sure Nedved can relate to Chiellini… Can’t imagine missing the biggest game of your life, when you’re one of the reasons your team is there.
I hope everyone can see the live stream above – It might take a while to load but i’m add things to it everyday and it will be pinned there until the final whistle. We’ll still have a preview as well – Also, i’m about to post the Q&A from the barca blog
Nice, trying out something ne. I’ll definitely be watching
Q&A –
according to Di Marzio, Juventus have signed Khedira- All thats missing is the announcement
ype and officially announcing dybala before the big game. now he gets free tickets!
they should have given them to me !
maybe if i swam across the Atlantic and then walked to Berlin they would’ve given me free tickets
Chiellini will play. He is a tough guy.
He’s a fighter but his calf is injured, rather a fully fit Barzagli than a Chiellini fighting to be valuable
Really hope Chiellini is fit to play. Barzagli is a very good player to replace him, but even just for the sake of tactical diversity, I think we really need Chiellini. If he’s fit we have the option of bringing in barzagli to change to a 3-man defense, without him we don’t have that option.
Unless you intend to play Ogbonna or Padoin in the goddamn CL final of course.
PS: Are Caceres and Asamoah fit?
I would choose barzagli over chiellini all day everyday, but you cant help feel for chiello :'(
Really wanted to see him toss suarez around
Barzagli is awesome, but to start him even if Chiello is fit, no 😛
Good thing we have him, his composure will be very important tonight. Chiellini can sometimes get too close to a red card, with Barzagli that’s hardly ever the case
I think Asamoah is fit
But he can’t play because we didn’t include him in the CL roster at the beginning of the season.
Chiellini has confirmed he will miss the final :'(
This has been such a long day and I know I won’t be able to sleep much either tonight. Cannot wait for this game
All the crap this club and her fans went through, we deserve this more than any other club. We cant finish 2nd
To be honest, we can finish 2nd :p
I should be freakin’ out, but not yet. 12hrs from now we will play our most important game in the last 12 years.
Also, there’s this video from when we last faced Barcelona (10 years ago). I think this video is what managers show their players when planning to stop Messi. And damn Balzaretti had good pace and stamina back then
He was 18 years old at that time though. Obviously he has grown way too much for this to be accurate. Sure it might help, but there is alot more needed this time to stop him. And honestly, Messi cannot be stopped an entire game.
Imma be watching at work… so DUTCH, STREAM, BABY!!
7 languages:
Tell your boss to put a tv in the room though, he’ll become much more popular under his workers :p
I love you! Idk why boss has me.working today… i play with hin on sundays! And he sees my passion on the pitch!
Oh lol. There is also that has a stream of it, but it’s most likely region locked. It’s the dutch national broadcaster. Can’t hurt to try though.
Edit: this should be the link, they are showing the warming up right now.
Barzagli in my opinion is the smartest defender in the world and if theres one person to keep messi quiet its him
The dutch newspaper had a predicted line up with Ogbonna instead of Barzagli. I wanted to rip the paper apart cuz of the unknowing idiots.
Idiots all around. Nobodybis rating Juve and im sure everyone who are talking down on us have no idea who Barzagli or even Marchisio is.
This is a blessing in disguise. Allegri would have never benched chiello. Barzagli even after his battle with fitness, is a too class defender and is the smartest defender out there and like you said, is the on i would intrust in keepong Messi quiet. I love chiello, but this is fort he best
Ill be wearing my first Juve jersey i bought when i first became a true juve fan in the 09/10 season. Holds great meaning in my opinion.
I’m also wearing the first jersey i ever bought. The 2010/11 one, one season after yours. I almost always wear it on match day though cuz it feels better than the others.
How are you lads feeling?
Nervous………. I don’t want this match to be played, we can’t lose if we don’t play xD Nah i am excited, nervous but excited.
Me too, I have this weird tingling sensation throughout my body and my brain just keeps replaying all these different scenarios.
I bought two packets of chewing gum to chew during the game because i’m beyond nervous.
I’m about to try that, worked wonders for Sir Alex at United lol
And Ancelotti
Less than 10 minutes guys… Let’s win this!!!!!!
I could die of nervousness…we have to win this anyway or any how possible.
Barca is nervous :DDDDDDDDD
We can’t aim at goal it seems.
Oh my God…..
Guys I think Pirlo needs to come off for Pereyra…..we need someone more attacking instinct who can disturb Barca’s defense supplying to Tevez and Morata
First of, i am very very happy it’s only 0-1. Could have been 0-5 by now. We survived the Barca storm. I am also not disappointed by our attacking play. Vidal is way too dangerous with already yellow, but we need these fouls, we need hard play and we need Vidal. I hope he aint gonna get red though. Pirlo is our weakest link so far, wasting alot of balls, giving a short cornor, which is not gonna work against Barca, John, you were right, and your shit talking on Pirlo did not work.
Pereyra pls. As much as i love pirlo
I am all for it, but with Pirlo we only need one free kick remotely close to the goal. It may not be the oppurtunity we should focus on, but you know he will score it.
That backheel from Marchisio…. I freaking love you Claudio!
Fuck off that was a penalty
This is horseshit!!!
Barcelona always plays with 12 players, if the players in red and blue can’t do it, their star player named Mr Referee will do it.
Proud of them. We fought, we showed the world what we can do, although we lost it this is not the end. We will be back, FORZA JUVENTUS!
Me too Proud of my guys….we did well..Barca was just too clinical. .we should be more clinical next year especially against major opposition like Barca
It was such a pleasure to see my team in the UEFA Champions league finals. Really proud of them. Last year we were cheering them for Europa league, what a turn around in a year. FINE ALLA FINE FORZA JUVENTUS!!!!
Juventus, storia di un grande amore. Juve per sempre.
I think overall they played okay. Could have been better of course, but they were playing against one of the best team of the past few years. At least they made Barca work for it.
IMO the ref wasn’t too bad, he could have sent off Vidal with BS yellows, but he didn’t, while he didn’t give us BS penalties either. I guess he didn’t want to be decisive.
Agree deserved victory.But referee should have blown the whistle before the third goal :P.
Oh yes, I hated that too.
Still though.. Alves had no intention at all to play the ball and hung onto Pogba untill he dropped to the ground. It just doesn’t get more obvious than this. He could have send Vidal away for being much too reckless, but he should have given a penalty to Pogba, really.
He could have given a penalty for Lichtsteiner’s handball too. It wasn’t intentional, but we have seen penalties awarded for those kind of handballs too.
There have been penalties given for that, but his arm was straight next to his body which makes it apart of his body. This was not a handball, Alves did make a foul. Can’t compare these 2 situations.
I agree, it wasn’t a penalty, but if the ref wanted to help Barca, that would have been the easiest way possible.
I was looking for replays, but I couldn’t find any. I remember Pogba going down a little too easy to me. I mean he is huge compared to Alves. Anyway, I would have hated it to be decided with red cards or penalties on either side.
The reason why the ref didn’t award pogbas one as a penalty is because he was already leaning into alves abit which made it 50/50 to call for
Only one thing is for sure, tomorrow i will support juve with everything ive got. They made me the happiest fan when we reached the CL final, and im 100% sure that they will make me happier in the future. Fino alla fine. FORZA JUVE
We’ll be back…
I think it was a very good experience for the team to reach the final in a long time for an important conpetition. Hopefully, the team can continue progressing in the coming seasons. However, Barcelona attack force proved too overwhelming for our backline. I think the team needs refreshment and reinforcement with possible players that might be leaving
We have been one of the only teams in the last years to keep Messi pretty much completely out of the match. We can be very proud of our defence.
all SERIE A teams must build new stadium. that is the problem of Italian football. and play with (4-3-3) and give a chance to young Italian players.
JUVENTUS has a magnificent stadium and we have a training center. we must build a young team 100% Italian-based 4-3-3 playing together and apply to the 4-3-3 forever.
(100% Italian) will play for the country and the jersey, not for money and put an end to the threat of the transfer window.
Since this season is over what was your favorite match. For me it was 3-0 victory at Signal iduna park and UCL final match.
Hard to say. The 0-3 win in Dortmund definitely, The 2-1 victory over Madrid and ofcourse the final.
I’m proud of our boys, but 4 straight losses in a CL final and 6 overall is hard to take ..
This club does need to learn how to execute in Europe in the future, way too many squandered chances for Europe’s biggest prize. Juve is a club that should have atleast 5-7 CL titles, not two.
Like many, im fuckingg roud of our our team. Truly spoiled this season, but that cl trophy wouldve been all the more sweeter. There is no team that could go threw all the crap wewent to and end up a final years later. We were. Forza Juve per sempre
Been watching the Juve store the last few weeks, planning to get back into shape and some clothes from Jue for that would be a great motivation. But it gets emptier and emptier lol. Even the home kits aren’t available at the moment, only the shorts and socks are left.
I’m pretty convinced I will get myself a Morata shirt if he stays. If he doesn’t, maybe a Marchisio one, along with some other training stuff.
But looks like the Juve merchandise is flying out of the window, great times for us!
Bitter about the CL final loss, but damn proud of the team. We gave them a run for their money. We got another Scudetto, our “Decima” in the Coppa and we’ve shown Europe we’re a powerhouse again. At the start of the season I felt we were doomed, with Allegri coming in. Now we’re here, with a domestic double and a CL final. Big, big sorry to Allegri. Not only did you keep the team strong, you’ve greatly improved it.
Now we can look forward to the transfer market, where we can hopefully get some more quality for another good run in Europe!