Max Allegri has consistently distanced his Juventus team from discussions about winning the Scudetto title as they compete with Inter Milan for the crown.

Juventus is eager to secure a return to the Champions League at the end of this season and has been working towards that goal. However, due to their absence from European competition, they have found themselves in contention for the league title, which is a goal that their supporters desire.

Rather than discussing their chances of winning the league, Allegri has consistently referred to Inter Milan as the favourites.

Allegri appears to be employing mind games and attempting to put pressure on rivals, but this approach is not going over well with the Milanese club.

According to Football Italia, Inter is irritated by the continued stance of the Juventus manager, naming their team as the favourites to win the competition.

Juve FC Says

Allegri is playing mind games and trying his best to ensure his players do not come under too much pressure.

But that does not mean we are not aiming for the title and our players know this is a good season to become champions of Italy again because they have enough rest time between matches.