Pavel Nedved is said to have been spotted shaking his head in disagreement after manager Max Allegri substituted Paulo Dybala during Juventus’s win over Cagliari at the weekend.
While this may seem like something minor, the article that is pushing their agenda also claims that the former Czech Republic forward was integral to the Italian boss’s sacking in 2019, and that there an issue remains between the two backroom staff.
The article goes as far as to say that Pavel was willing to quit from his role at the club if Allegri was not removed three years ago, before his wish was granted, eventually being replaced by Maurizio Sarri.
Nedved-Allegri in Cagliari-Juve: la reazione di Pavel alla sostituzione di Dybala, la risata del tecnico
— informazione sport (@infoitsport) April 10, 2022
If the above is all true, then you have to question the decision of Andrea Agnelli to bring the manager back into the fold whilst Nedved remains at the club, unless it was maybe a warning that Pavel’s job may no longer be as secure as it once was.
Would Agnelli really have put his foot down and brought Allegri back to the club despite knowledge of issues with Nedved, or could all the rumours be exaggerated?
Then will see Allegri gone not the other way round. But if you’re going to get egg in your face make it right. Zidane or bust. And this will be the last decent robberies before the ffp rules destroy Italian teams and their spending power.
Last decent mercato. In sure gravina and chums at var have lots in store.
Allegri’s substitution patterns have been terrible this year. I would be upset as well.